Friday, September 4, 2009


So I just had to share this with y all because its funny. So on the last farm I was dreaming alot, every night and I had one with you in it Mads. So you came skiing with me and my parents at some downhill resort, which is weird in itself because we only crosscountry ski. Anywho, I turn around to see how mads is doing and she´s completely naked! Then I turn around again and the guy next to me doesnt have a shirt on. That was all.

PS I´m in Cusco now after about 15 hours of travel hell. I ate something bad in Mexico city and was pretty much running to the lavatory every 20 min.


  1. something on your mind, katie? haha. get well soon!!

  2. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!

    thanks katie, i'm flattered. it's a sign, we need to go naked skiing some time.

    reminds me of an article I read last March in the NY times. Perhaps I shared it with you? skiing&st=cse
