Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tue 6:21 AM Musings

Is it books that will guide me to my fulfillment? I feel like I am constantly looking for myself outside of myself. Pressured by the belief that we are defined by our jobs, hobbies, and experiences. Just to recognize how much there is I don’t know puts me at a stale mate. I can’t move forward. I can’t finish a book. Where do I find completeness? Where do I find true fulfillment?

If I always look forward, if I always look outside of myself, I will never find it. There is truth and fulfillment in myself and in who I am as a person. Only when I am truly interested can I find the will to finish a book. When it moves me, not when I think I should be moved.

But it’s not about the books or the travels. It’s about loving oneself so one can love others and be loved. Love is about vulnerability, and before this can be a positive experience we can’t be afraid of letting others see our true selves. We have to first love our true selves and not define them externally. Love is about the humility to be open to learning from others without feeling insufficient.

To be a student is not to be insufficient but to be on the cusp of desire and humility.

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