Thursday, November 18, 2010

Harry Potter

I went to the midnight showing of part 1 of the latest (last) Harry Potter. I'm not usually a fan of the movies but I actually liked this one, minus the obvious low points when Harry wore either a velvet vest or a jean shirt. Yuck. I think I must have a complex where I really don't like main characters in epic films... (that's code for Harry and Frodo).
So something good comes out of being 9 hours ahead.


  1. you are in the future! it's not even out yet here!

  2. I thought it was the best one so far, because they kept the closest to the book. I don't think the actors do enough during sad scenes. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When Dobby and Hedwig died, the should have done a bit more than slightly whimper.

  3. SPOILER ALERT ALSO: i haven't seen the movie, but when dobby died in the book, i lost it. hella.
