Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Check OOT mah WOOL

talkin' bout some M.I.A. roamerz on dis blog.

I'm not even really sure what to say, but it gets dark at 4pm and there a giant puddle of vomit outside my dorm. Srsly yall, willamette would never allow this kind of campus trashing.

But they put up a christmas um, holiday tree in the middle of campus and it made me miss the star trees. All that cheezy willamette stuff. And then I remembered that christmas, um holiday song some of us wrote together and played at the star tree lighting.

I canNOT wait to catch up with yall. I hope you all remember how to speak English. And forgive me if I call things "wee" or use other strange diminutives.

Taking any interesting classes?
I'll actually be doing my Senior Seminar next semester, which is a little scary.
Then I'm taking a Literature class about Motherhood, Death in America, and Modern European Cities for my TH.

How's that for a non-trad blog entry?
Love you all,


  1. what's a christmas tree withooooouut LIGHTS???

  2. wait, are you graduating early?? (i selfishly hope not)

    Sa-WEEt (Americans use 'wee' too, see?) classes. I'm taking contemporary-bleh-math, intro to islam, constitutional law, and the one i am most looking forward to: explaining nazism.

    huzzah huzzah

    i freaking cannot freaking wait to freaking see you all either. freaking
