Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ode to ari, by ari...bye, ari! or should i say...chow?

ari: living life on the edge is what its all about
ok ok ok
all right all right all right all right
that reminds me of a song...
5:09 PM i need to write this paper!!
dont tell anyone i did that
me: chow
ari: hahah
me: i'm gonna
ari: even better!
hmm. i think thats unbeatable
you win this one
5:10 PM me: i always win
ari: chachacha see ya
you wish
me: you wish
5:11 PM ari: gogrebabir
me: what?
ari: haha
go grab a beer
me: go grab a bear?
ari: duuuuh
me: hahhaa!
ari: i win this one
5:12 PM lol
me: whatev
ari: im going to start calling you slimey from now on
5:13 PM not because you are
but because i like the word
me: no
that's a bad idea
ari: who should i call slimey then
5:14 PM me: no one. don't call anyone slimey
maybe a worm
or frog or something
ari: haha. too graphic?
5:15 PM oops my comp's gonna die
ari: later skater for realsies
me: don't leave me!
ari: chow mein street smart ass wipes
5:16 PM me: wow. nice.
ari: will shortz here i come
me: no, usatoday here you come
ari: hahaha
so true
5:17 PM me: ok. geddoudahere!
miss you!
ari: gogrebabir! miss you too

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

hella dank strudel

last weekend we went to Oktoberfest in mt. angel, and drank german beer and ate german sausage etc. At one point, brian and I were sitting on a bench on a darkish street corner with little foot traffic, and a guy came up to us and got kind of close to brian and said, " you know where I could find some ..strudel?" Brian goes, "yeah, I've got some right here in my jacket". Guy says, "I'm looking for about fiftybuck's worth of strudel. I want the high quality strudel, you know?" Brian realizes guy is not joking about the strudel, and informs him that he does not in fact have strudel in his jacket.

so goes our latest multicultural experience.

Monday, September 20, 2010

latest spastic moment

Wanted to inform you all of my latest embarrassing moment. I was at a traditional Scottish dance called a Ceilidh, put on by the Christian Union in a big church. No alcohol involved. All women were supposed to join hands and move towards the center of the room. was really crowded and on our way back I tripped the girl next to me and she fell all the way down on her face in front of everyone. She wasn't hurt but I think she was a little mad at me.

call me a nerd ass but...

I have my own blog because it's an assignment for SA...????right?
So I started one, nobody reads it so it's more like I'm writing to myself. So, to kill two birds with one stone (KEEPING IN TOUCH DOING HOMEWORK) I will put the link here. From now on I will try and make it funnier/more interesting.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Who would have thought that my new best friend (temporarily of course) would be a churchgoing, cheer-leading, sorority girl? I was worried at first. but why? I'm too judgmental, I have vowed to be kinder hence forth. I love her!
P.S. Scotland is sweet.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bill Harper

[ ......... ]

when i heard, i went to write him a quick get-well-soon message on facebook but i guess i wasn't officially friends with him. so i added him, but forgot to send the message. then it struck me he probably wouldn't be on facebook if he's in the hospital, and even if he could, maybe it seemed kind of cheap to only add him as a friend when i heard he had leukemia.

it's hard to tell someone that you only peripherally know that you care about what happens to them.