Tuesday, September 21, 2010

hella dank strudel

last weekend we went to Oktoberfest in mt. angel, and drank german beer and ate german sausage etc. At one point, brian and I were sitting on a bench on a darkish street corner with little foot traffic, and a guy came up to us and got kind of close to brian and said, "hey..do you know where I could find some ..strudel?" Brian goes, "yeah, I've got some right here in my jacket". Guy says, "I'm looking for about fiftybuck's worth of strudel. I want the high quality strudel, you know?" Brian realizes guy is not joking about the strudel, and informs him that he does not in fact have strudel in his jacket.

so goes our latest multicultural experience.


  1. haha! ahhh, prague is "fanticky" but it'd be nirvana-esque if you were all here too.......

  2. i'd say i understand about...70% of that comment, ari.

  3. "The high quality strudel" hahahahahah
