Sunday, May 31, 2009


I start work tomorrow in Portland. Because I decided to take public transit everyday instead of wasting money on the costliness of upkeeping my Volvo, I will be relying on the one family car and my mom (the only other driver in the family) to help get me to the train station in a way that fits with her job as a kindergarten teacher... which means that my life will be one big, confusing loop. My gnarly schedule the foreseeable future:
6:00am, wake up
6:45, leave with Mom for work
11:00, walk from Mom's work to train station
11:45, train arrives at correct stop. Cross street and board bus
12:10, arrive at work
12:30 work starts
10:00pm work ends (take bus/train back to home)
11:30pm, get picked up by Mom at train station
12:00am, sleep?
REPEAT..... ugh


  1. a) are you working with your mom in the mornings?
    b) how the hell are you going to get enough sleep?!

  2. oh my lord. I hope your mom has a cot in her office

  3. a) I helped out my mom in her classroom today and it was actually really fun. 8 people talking to you at once and sitting on tiny chairs at tiny tables and trying to explain how patterns work (it's way harder than you think). Anyway, I told her I might do it tomorrow too, but I found a bus route closer to home that would allow me to sleep in more, so I might change my mind in the morning.

    b) Trick question = the working dead do not sleep.

    c) MY FEET HURT.

  4. dude, that is the most gnarley schedule i've ever heard of! good luck, at least you're bringing home the bacon.
