Thursday, May 14, 2009

Salem-Denver --the long drive and adventures

So as you all know, I left about 11:30 on Sunday to drive home to Denver. I picked up this guy Mike at a Fred Meyer's in Portland. He needed a ride to Pendelton (about 4 hours away) because his car had broken down there a few weeks ago while he was giving someone from craigslist a ride to Salt Lake. He was pretty cool and we talked pretty much all the way to Pendelton. He's 28, originally from Salt Lake City, 1/2 el salvadorian and not Mormon. Anyway, I made him drive for about 2 hours and he gave me gas money and and ipod trip thing that didn't work in his car, and I couldn't figure it out either, but it was a nice gesture.

The whole drive to Boise was beautiful and I felt like a total nerd looking at all the geology and geographic features.
So then I got to Boise at about 9:30 and stayed with Krigsby's parents. Her sister looks just like her, and omg her high school senior pics are so pretty. She's all dressed up and clean. Its crazy.

I then left Boise at 8:00 the next morning and drove 12 hrs to Carbondale CO. Round about the CO border I started getting a little loopy. I met up with my blues dancing friends Justin and Cassandra and we danced in a gazebo in this park for a while before deciding to go get some food round about 10:30. However, nothing was open, so this other guy Mike invited us back to his place to make some food. As we were going through the park again there were these 4 Mexican guys grilling a ton of chicken. We stopped and talked to them and they offered us some chicken and wouldn't take no for an answer, so I figured what the hell, I should try eating meat. Bad idea.

Pretty much as soon as we got to Mike's house I started feeling really nauseous. Justin locked his keys in the car and had to call AAA. I lay down while they all made food, then really had to puke but someone was in the bathroom so I ran outside and puked in the bushes and then took a dump on the side of the house. God I felt so terrible. They were all really nice about it though. I pretty much kept doing that the rest of the night (the bathroom was open then). Justin, Cassandra and I had planned on camping, but decided not to, and this girl Laura invited us to stay at her place about 5 min drive away. On the way we had to pull over so I could puke some more and this cop pulled over to make sure I was ok. Got to love small town cops. (The last time I was in Carbondale one showed up at park where we were having a blues dance to crash it and just told us to turn the music down instead). Anyway, I felt a lot better the next morning and Cassandra and I went on a hike before I drove the 4 hrs back to Denver.

So that's my long and rambling road trip story.


  1. jeez katie don't kill yourself! haha and i love that you called katie rigsby "clean" in high school, haha

  2. dude, i dont even know what to say. only you kaite :) i'm really glad you're home.

  3. This is a funny story. 50 years from now I will send the link to this post to your grandchildren Zap and Zowie.
