Saturday, May 30, 2009

I can has Tejas?

Wow, roaming back in the south. I feel like there have been debates about Texas being the south. I think I always thought it was the west, and I have been told NO. You know, westerns, cowboys, longhorns? I think I'm justified.

Texas is hot. Texas is big. Texas has giant webs of high rises and interstates and people don't use their blinkers when they change lanes.

Seeing my family is great. I've got a nonnie, a grandfather, two aunts, and a cousin here. Not to mention a mom, a dad, and a bro. It's great to be here. But man I never want to live in a city that is this big. But spanish is everywhere and it's good practice. Can't believe I fly back to OR again tomorrow- quick trip.

Anyone seen American Beauty? I started watching it on tv yesterday and it was super weird but I really wanted to finish it.


  1. can it be both? i mean south and west
    american beauty is a really good movie. i just watched spun...its about methheads its crazy and intense and weird but I enjoyed it

  2. Where in Texas? and I think you already know my feelings about Texas. It's its own thing...not south or west just Texas.

  3. I am a big American Beauty fan. I think it has a few small flaws, but they make it almost easier to love, because it's not perfect. It is also one of the few movies to make me tear up not just the first time, but during subsequent viewings also.

    Hey, as it happens I recently watched a movie written and directed by the writer of American Beauty. It was called "Towelhead." Definitely not as good, but really cool anyway.
