Wednesday, June 9, 2010

a case against encores

Tonight I saw the band Miike Snow (ps they were awesome check em out here ) at a venue called the Republic with my dad. It was definitely an amazing show. I wasn't sure if I was witnessing an indie/rock outfit or participating in a techno trance dance. Regardless of how awesome they were, I felt the same fake sense of obligation to clap a few times and 'woo' half-heartedly when they walked off the stage, instruments still at the ready, and the lights didn't give any sign of coming on. This my friends, is the modern day encore. When a band does the cliche routine of walking off stage and we pretend we don't want them to leave and we beg them to stay even though we know they're going to come on a do a few more songs and they know they're not about to leave because they haven't performed their radio hit yet...

All I'm sayin is, it's fake. I would respect a band so much for just performing a beautiful awesome whole complete well rounded set and leave it at that. Nameley this has been done by Peter Bjorn and John and Architecture in Helsinki, kudos. But so, only then if we threaten to tear the place down unless you play one more song, go for the encore.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you there Mads...and yes Miike Snow is awesome. I only got 3 songs of his during the share party...damn
