Monday, June 28, 2010

Going to the backcountry

So tomorrow morning I leave for this 36 day hike, 500 miles from Denver to Durango. I'm excited and scared shitless at the same time. The past week I've been making granola and cooking and dehydrating food non-stop. Preparing 36 days worth of food ahead of time is no joke. It's so intimidating and impossible to think about how much we'll be able to eat. 15 miles a day will probably up the appetite, but looking at these boxes of food set aside for resupplies its hard to think that we might go hungry, although that's all anyone talks about who has done a through-hike like this. I hope I don't starve. So I'm hiking with this guy Ford, who I know through dancing, like almost everyone I know, and I think it'll be fun. We don't know each other all that well, but did a 3 day 36 mile loop as a prep trip a week ago and all went well, so ya. Also have 4-5 people joining for segments along the way and resupplying us with these lovely boxes full of peanut butter, dried fruit and nuts, pasta, quinoa, dried hummus etc. So I should be back in Denver August 5th or 6th, rejoining civilization after a month of mountains. I hope my body holds out. And I'm super frenzied right now, but love you all and look forward to reading about your summers later.


  1. if we don't hear from ya by August 7th i'm sending out the nat'l guard search patrol. best of luck katie!

  2. youre probs in the wilderness now and cant read this... but good luck!
