Tuesday, June 29, 2010

oldie old

i feel really old these days. i think i realized this because i'm working with a 16 year old girl, and it suddenly occurred to me that i'm 6 years older than a 16 year old. 6 years older! as you might be able to assume (or not), she's really annoying. when i told her i go to school in oregon, she said "omigod. are you kidding??!" to which i replied...i don't remember, probably a grunt, or something. yesterday she showed me that she broke a fingernail and started whining, so i punched her in the face. not really, though, but it was a nice thought.

also, my knees have been achy lately, so i know i'm gettin up there


  1. aw ming I miss you, lil slicer. saw dodo on campus yesterday and thought of you. you should call me/brett/brian one of these days.

  2. i remember getting my drivers license like it was yesterday...

  3. update: i made friends with the 16 year old, and together we hate on the 17 year old. it's very high school, i know, but i like it anyway
