Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hi guys,
I recently was asked why I don't post anything on the blog and the answer is that I forgot there was one. So, I just went through every one of them, great stuff everybody. I am really happy to see that everyone is still alive and doing well. Ari, you are a tough cookie to keep it up at that job. Natalia, I am super jealous of you seeing otters! I saw some bears in Yellowstone but I bet you see them all the time. Ming and Travis, I am so glad that you have a good house and I hope your jobs work out. I am also glad that you didn't get run over by that car! Brian, getting some ideas down for a novel? Tell those brats to behave! just kidding. Madeline, have an awesome time in Ecuador! Dan, I love the pictures! Katie, have a great time in Mexico! and don't eat anymore meat! Rachel, see you soon and I hope you are having fun. Stina good luck rowing. Evan, good job driving from Salem to Eugene and great post. Now that I have caught up with you and I will tell you about what I have been doing and make this more bloggy like. I have to wake up early so I am going to bed now. there. Just joking, I will be keeping up with this from now on and will write about my summer soon.

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