Friday, June 19, 2009

travis is teaching me how to improvise on my clarinet. and we sat on the corner of our house today and tried it. and then two guys (one or both were probably drunk...hopefully just one, though) drove by and threw a dollar out the window. woo hoo! we're paid musicians!


  1. so did they crash into your porch or what???

  2. not these peeps. a different car crashed into our porch a few mornings ago. it was crazy! about 6 30 in the morning and i heard a crash and the house shook. sure enough, (cuz you know the road right next to the house is pretty busy) the car got hit by a fairly big truck (not the huge huge kind, though) and sort of half rolled into our stairs/railings and landed on that tree, not up in the tree, though. then everyone was running around the house, there were about five people on the phone with the police, and then the firepeople came and used the jaws of life to get the woman who crumpled our tree out of her car. everyone was okay, and travis and i watched from the balcony. now there is a cut up tree that leaves a bald spot and broken bits of railing scattered about the front of the house.
