Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm on the computer...blogging..what??

So...I'm chilling in Ridgway with my parents, we're watching a movie, all laying in the masterbed. So fuckin comfy. You wouldn't believe the view my parents have from any window in their house (well maybe you would if you saw a picture, but let's face it--we all know the only camera I have is on my phone), it's  amazing, I can't get over it...The moon's fuckin bright as shit too, it's gorgeous. But that's now and I was gonna try and catch up a bit. 
Well, the V8 and two spares stayed in Salem to train for nationals until the 26th of May, which was nuts. I thought crew was my life before...we had two complete days off, and most days we had at least 2 practices a day--on 3 we had 2 practices and Christine Foltz, so it was pretty intense but a lot of fun. We slept, rowed, ate, rowed, ate, maybe showered, slept, did it all over again. But the river was beautiful--people actually come out in Salem during the summer, believe it or not, it's fun. Downtown gets a little more hoppin and the foot bridge is really cool--we get a lot of spectators ;) And it's warm! Guess who only wore a shirt for two practices total? That's right... (Actually, funny story: one morning practice we had just finished our first piece and we were taking a rest, and of course I was already down to the bra, and Susan pulls out her megaphone and said, "So..I just want to make sure you're all aware that at Nationals you have to keep your entire unisuit on..." Haha, I enjoyed it.) Anyway, we went to New Jersey on the 26th and it was crazy. It was one of the coolest things of my life to go to be a part of a competition like that, to see such incredible athletes. The DIII schools, I had to look up at their girls they were so tall and as you all know I'm not exactly petite...and they were so fast! It was incredible! It was so inspiring to even be a part of it, and I really hope to go again. We have set new goals, for sure. But yeah, the whole fuckin experience was just insane. I want to say more but it's a lot, and I don't really like being on the computer so I won't say more than that, but I'm willing to converse about it lol. 
Anyway, after that we flew to Portland, and I stayed at Lars' house and we woke up at four for me to fly to Denver. Then I saw Peter for a few hours before he drove back to Jackson, WY for work--my parents and I hung out with some family friends and stayed at their house. The next day we visited my Poppy and I stayed in Boulder for one night, got some errands done the next day until Jeff got off work, ate dinner with him and then drove 6 hours to Ridgway. Stayed there for one night at my parents house (they got an earlier start that day) and then drove the next day for 4 hours (actually 5 cause I kind of took what you might call a wrong turn..) to southern Utah. I camped for 2 days in Goblin Valley State Park, and we hiked Little Wild Horse and Ding Dang Canyon on the San Rafael Swell. It was all fuckin sick--Utah has such beautiful dirt. The colors there are ridiculous.. and the sunrises!! So good.. It was really windy though and I ended up having a visa scare with going to New Zealand so I drove back early and am now at my parents house in Ridgway again. My parents and I went hiking yesterday and it was nuts! It was sunny and snowing! Like you'd almost think it was the cotton fluff shit from trees if it didn't melt on you. It was really cool though, and I've been getting some good parent time in, even though I miss the brothers a whole lot. AND MY FUCKIN ROOMIES!!!!!!!!!!! NATTIE!! STRIPES!! COME BACK TO ME!! Okay, okay...I really do want us to have our grow as people or whatever...but I do miss you...

That's all for now though! Headed to Boulder on Thursday and I leave the 4th of July for NZ!! (And knowing me you won't hear from me till half the semester's over... ;) ) Love you all and miss you!


  1. stina's on the internetz! lovvvveeee youuu

  2. Omg I love Utah dirt too! Miss you Stina...and Colorado
