Saturday, June 6, 2009

Eve of departure...

Hello friends,

Well early tomorrow morning I'm headed off to Mexico. Crazy! A quick update of what I've been up to since I last posted: I went to my brother's graduation from West Point NY. It was amazing, impressive, intense and emotional. I cried at every ceremony (and there were a lot). It's a whole different world out there, I definitely felt a little out of place among the macho guys and high maintenance girls. Back in CO, I've been climbing, hiking, biking and dancing as much as possible. I've also been hanging out with my brother more than usual. He's come dancing a few times. He also brought home these laser tag guns that give you an electric shock if you get hit, and we've been playing that a bit (he had to duct tape them to my hands since I kept dropping the guns when I got shocked). This weekend is the Denver Lindy Exchange and I'm planning on dancing until I head off to the airport around 5. Love you all!



  1. oh man its going to be great katie! dont be nervous!

  2. i love the fact that you and your brother play with laser tag guns. and that you have to tape the gun to your hand so you dont drop it when you get shocked. classic! haha for some reason the fact that it probably hurts when you get hit makes it sound very appealing to me...

    enjoy mexico! see you in september (woah!)
