Tuesday, July 14, 2009

bees and trees

My title reminded me of a convenient store that they have around here called "Loaf 'n Jug." Isn't that a terrible name?
Anyways, I have been trying to get a beehive going up here. I ordered a whole beekeeper starter kit and built a hive. There were ten million pieces to it but it turned out pretty well. I was drilling and hammering on our dining room table for two days...Unfortunately, I started too late in the season and bee keepers around the country are sold out. Seriously, I have been calling people in Texas, Georgia, California..nothing. Anyone know anyone selling bees?
I guess I will have to wait until next spring to start my honey farm!dang
My brother just went back to Arizona to work at a camp teaching little Korean kids English. It's a pretty fun but tireing job. I did it one year, never again!
Now I am building a shelter with my dad for our horses cause when that 30 below weather hits they are going to be cold puppies. ( I know they aren't puppies)
So we are going into the woods and choppin wood. We like to call it humping logs.
The bark beetles have just devastated the forests up here. It's really sad. We been collecting the already dead trees. not new ones.
That's about it. Oh, except that it was recently Rendesvous weekend here and a big rodeo. all fun.


  1. man... bees, logs, horses... do you want to switch places?

  2. Oh Meghan with your wacky country ways...

  3. Aww, Meghan, your life makes my heart all fuzzy inside. (in a good way). And as for bees, my dad is a bee keeper, but last year our hive died out for the first time in 20 years, and so the new one is still establishing itself, so I don´t think he´d be able to sell you part of his hive. He has beekeeper friends though that might. Want me to ask? Also, you could try what we did last summer, and thats to catch a wild hive that´s swarming. Its a little tricky, but it worked out well for us. we found it in a neighbor´s tree!
