Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Dear, dear friends,

I'm Back in Bremerton now. Been here about 24 hours. This is my first post, because I didn't know this blog existed until a few weeks ago. It'll be cool to read it and catch up on y'all, though.

Remember that message I sent a while ago asking for questions (I accidentally typed "questinos" first, which sounds like a really cool bit left out of Don Quixote) to help me write about my experiences? I'll get to that pretty soon, I think. I haven't known what day of the week it was since Monday June 8, because that was my last exam. I've been travelling since then, so I haven't really had a chance to write anything coherent. Cohesive? Both, I guess. Feel free to ask some more questions if you want.

For now, a few thoughts:

Being home is not so strange. Leaving is much stranger. I left some great friends, a certain girl, a city that was beginning to feel like home, and a whole host of new experiences. I'll probably not see any of those things for years--the closest I'll come is looking at the pictures I took, listening to the few recordings I made or purchased of music and sounds I heard, and reading the occasional journal entry I wrote.

Countries I visited, in chronological order (I think):

I think I want to live in Istanbul some day. The city is amazing. It's a collision of everything, and just about as sensory-interactive as I think a place could possibly be.


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