Friday, July 17, 2009

I love reading about everyone's doings, I have such awesome friends. Butchery and bees and environment and Quichua and mexico and music and cherry trees and travel, its so great to hear about it all!
My life has been kind of crazy lately-we fished in the same cove for a month straight for sockeye ssalmon.
On July 6th, my dad ran his boat into a rock and basically sank it. It was insane. There were coast guard helicpoters and jets, like 8 boats helping him, and it was front-page news for two days in Kodiak. It was salvaged to shore, but my dad has basically destroyed his life's work and home, it is pretty devastating for him. Losing that boat has almost felt like a death in the family or something. It is amazing how attached we can become to boats.
Aside from that, weve still been having a lot of fun..beach bonfires and fishing and exploring and whatnot...summer in alaska is just perfect. The fireweed and lupine are blooming, and salmonberries and just starting to get ripe. Everything is GREEN, like every shade of green you could imagine.
I am ridiculously tired right now, ive been up for 40 hours now. Im finally living on land again, for a short while anyway, and am looking forward to a regular bed and some shuteye. night night


  1. NATTIE!! I miss you! Sorry to load you down with so many emails... Katie found a sweet volunteering opportunity in Cuzco that is cheap AND authentic AND helping kids. So cool. If she didnt email it to you, let me know.

    That SUCKS about your dad's boat. I'm going to google some kodiak news after this and check out the story.

  2. Basically you´re a badass. I told my mexican farmworker friends that one of my friends is a fisherwoman in Alaska and they think you´re crazy. So sorry about the boat, what are you going to do? Do you have insurance to buy a new one? Did you get to fly in a helicopter when you were rescued?

  3. Oh my gosh Natalia! That is crazy! I hope things will fix themselves, they do more often than you think!

  4. ah natz. i just looked up the article and it made me want to cry. i am so sorry for your dad, it is really sad :(

    in the process google also told me that:
    Location: Kodiak
    Case number: 09-55525
    Type: Fail to Display ADF&G Number

    Text: On 6/21/09 Natalia Povelite was cited for failing to display ADF&G
    numbers on a salmon seine vessel.

    Author: Alaska Wildlife Trooper Alan Jones
    Received Friday, July 17, 2009 10:17 AM and posted Friday, July 17, 2009 10:23 AM

    haha, gettin into trouble natz?
