Sunday, July 26, 2009

Holy Shit Kids, I Jumped Off a Bridge

And dropped 43 meters, attached to a giant rubberband. We went to Queenstown this weekend--FUCKing sick--and did a number of things. First, we went to a winery and tasted wine at a place owned by the cofounder of bungee jumping (which actually I technically went "bungy" jumping--I guess because the two guys who invented it trademarked that spelling) to calm our nerves before the fall. (The two places were about 100 meters apart haha and don't worry, there was a spit bucket for me and anyone else who wanted to use it.) So then I jumped off a bridge!! It was SO scary, but so awesome--my first thought as I flew threw the air was exactly that--("OH MY GOD I JUST JUMPED OFF A BRIDGE WHY DID I JUST JUMP OFF A BRIDGE". "OH MY GOD!!!!!" was what I screamed out loud on the way down--no swear words, go figure. and then I didn't even realize I closed my eyes until I opened them on the way back up again, and then I just kept swinging--it was so much fucking fun!! My stomach drops just thinking about it! So that was friday, afterwards we went hot tubbing (too many people in one tub and not enough time haha fun combination) and then to dinner at Speights, which is a brewery here, and they had VERY good lamb. It has been so much fun talking to the people on the trip--they are all very interesting and there's one or two of them I hope to talk to many times again in the future... ;) We wlaked around town for a bit and there was a fudge shop open till like 11pm, which is the best idea ever, and then we went back to bed because the next day we went skiing at Coronet Peak. It was so beautiful, it's different though because just the slopes had snow--if you looked down at Queenstown there was no snow, and there were also no trees on the mountain--but great, GREAT views. We went hot tubbing again, had some dinner--the place was called Hell's Pizza, and you could take the pizza box and punch out a cardboard coffin that was "for you remnants". Then Martin, Katie, and I (Martin=Danish flatmate, Katie=our coincidental friend) went out to town and talked and danced like crazy. (Mads, I wish I could see what you were talking about with everyone dancing in Ecuador, that sounds amazing). Then the next day we went Jetboating--which is a speedboat that only needs 6 inches of water to go through and is nuts--it goes about 75 km/hr--which is fucking fast for a speedboat, especially going through a canyon and doing 360 degree spins. It was so fucking cold though, my face went numb. After that we went up a gondola to amazing views of Queenstown and went lugeing. And now we are back! And I have school tomorrow...


  1. wow-y. that sounds action-packed, even for someone as hot & hardcore as you.

    i'm glad you're enjoying new zealand. tell me when you run into any LOTR freaks, geeks (I say that lovingly of course), souvenirs, or sights.

  2. Stina, one word for you: badass! Totally going to New Zealand some day...

  3. stina. no words. except- iloveyouboo!

  4. I imagine that this is a common reaction for those who jump off bridges. Nice work Stina, I can't say I would do the same!
