Saturday, July 18, 2009

Irapuato y mis enfermedades

Hola amigos,

So I´ve been in Irapuato now for 2 weeks working for a prof at the University here and living with his family. Basically I´m reading and analyzing all of his students reports on compost and microparcelas that they did this last semester, and am writing a report of my own. All in spanish. Its not the most exciting work ever, but I´ve learned a lot.

So when I arrived I still had a cactus espina stuck in my arm, and it got infected. They immediately started trying to dig it out, but couldn´t find it and started telling me horror stories about how they can go into your veins and travel about your body causing damage. So after a few days when it was still worse, we went to the emergency room and the doctor was able to get out a lot of pus and clean the infection. She couldn´t find the espina either, but said that the infection probably ate it. The visit plus the antibiotics only cost $10 and took about 45 min. Whats this about substandard health care?

So after I recoverd from the espina I got pretty sick, really sore throat and headache and totally exhausted for about a week. As of yesterday I´m feeling better now.

Oh, something cool though, I got to acompany el profe to this tiny little community en las sierras where he taught a course on microparcelas ( a system of gardening thats really efficient) and we built the little raised beds and passed out seeds and taught them how to plant them. It was such an amazing experience. They didn´t even have electricity. The old women were the most enthusiastic, and one woman, probably 70 was wielding a pick to loosen the soil. It was incredible.

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