Friday, July 24, 2009

The Story of the Fox and the Cat

Once upon a time.....
There was a mound in the sagebrush behind a little house. In the middle of the mound there was a great hole, but who lived there? A family of foxes, of course! There was a mother and her two babies and they had lived in that hole for a long time.
But one day....a cat moved into the little house nearby. An old cat named Jasper.
One day the mother fox was sniffing around outside the mound and the old cat was also sniffing something close by. What's that smell? The two sniffed towards each other through the high grass until they were nose to nose! The cat surprised the fox and the fox surprised the cat and they both jumped straight up in the air and then took off in opposite directions.
The two great predators met in a most unexpected way. Will there be a fight? Will one have to move? Will the people in the house have to fear for the life of the old cat? No, not now. For now, neither knows what the hell the other is.
The End.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Meghan, you should write childrens stories. En serio, I like it
