Sunday, July 19, 2009

la familia

Well, I'm in Quito now. I have a nice family, who is patient with my broken Spanish.

Yesterday I went to a small Catholic church (my mother describes herself as very Catholic) and met the rest of my mother's family. Later that night we all went over to the mother and father of my host mother's house (boy that was a bad sentence) for a family get together. There I got to experience 3 conversations at once with the TV on in the background. Later they taught me their version of poker (in Spanish), and I ended up winning 6 dollars. Of coarse I felt really bad because my host dad lost like 2. I used my winnings to buy jabon.

Tomorrow, my host brother said I could come with him to play futbal in this small covered arena. Basically, he and his friends challenged the guards who work their, and that way they get in free. Of coarse, my host brother says that basically all he does is play soccer, and I basically never play soccer (since the glory days of Willamette intermerals that is), so I am a little hesitant to play with a bunch of South Americans who live and breath soccer. Basically, I am going to get destroyed.


  1. yay family! yay futbol!

    they love gringos who try to play their sports, best of luck!

  2. yes. did you wordreference it, brett?

  3. LOL, show ´em what you got Dan! you´ll learn a whole vocab playing sports, como chingon, ahuevos y no vale

    Does your family have hijos?
